WHERE ARE YOU FROM?I'm from Florence, Italy.
WHERE DO YOU LIVE?At the moment I live in Milan.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MILAN? I'm working in communication new strategies, adv and pr.
WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE PLACE THERE?Navigli and Ticinese are the places that I love in Milan!
DO YOU MISS FLORENCE?No, I don't. It's a city too much disorganized and shallow.
Beautiful landscapes, of course, but you can't live only of views!
HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR OWN STYLE?My style is very personal, a mix between vintage & young alternative. It's stylish!
Gas jeans, t-shirt
H&M, vintage trench,
Ban Wayfarer sunglasses and
Nike sneakers.
YOUR FAVOURITE PIECE OF CLOTHING? (You have to pick just the one!)At the moment? My vintage trench!
YOUR FAVOURITE FASHION BRANDS?I love vintage and sneakers.
My favourite brand for an easy and frequent makeover are
H&M and
Zara, but I have also a wardrobe of
Gucci and
Ysl that never go out of style.
HOW WOULD YOUR DESCRIBE YOUR WORK?It's a mix of creativity and savoir-faire.
Communication and relationships are the main things in our life, so I work for companies that wants to increase their visibility and trust in my skills. I never want to disappoint their targets, so I try to have the right ideas and I apply all myself in every new project.
WHAT IS INSPIRING YOU AT THE MOMENT?I'm ispired on cool-hunting and research in the new strategies of communication.
I take care with interest more meetings are possible about web 2.0, guerriglia & viral marketing.
My guru at the moment are:
Ninja Marketing and
Future Concept Lab.
I recommend all of you an easy-reading book:
Internet PR by
Marco Massarotto.
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB?I'd love to make pr for international brands around the world.
I love to work for people that enhace my skills, such as find new ideas to improve the brand's visibility and connect people.
WHO ARE YOUR FAVOURITE BANDS AND WHY?Wham & Duran Duran because they simbolize the 90s.
Babyshambles are a landmark of the new generation.
I like also Scissor Sisters, CSS, Vampire Weekend and The Fratellis.
Henrietta - The Fratellis
M79 - Vampire Weekend
THREE BLOGS THAT YOU READ DAILY?PigmagPunk PiratesNinja MarketingYOUR WORST VICE?Mmm.. alcohol (f**k!)
YOUR DREAMS WHEN YOU WERE CHILDREN?When I was 15 I'd like to get in love with Sophie Marceau :)
WHO'S YOUR BEST FRIEND?My best friend is Hugh Hefner... hahaha!
AND THE BEST FASHION MAGAZINE?Pig, Rodeo, and D-Repubblica.
AND THE NEXT ONE?Tokio & New York.
PLEASE TELL US WHAT IS "OH, NO! JOHN!"OH, NO! JOHN! is a viral stickering, created just for fun in 2005 by two Italian guys that wanted to promote their party.Then the stickers arrived in the streets and the people got curious, the graphic and the sentence of the sticker are easy.
Now we created a website where you can upload your pictures with the sticker from all around the world:
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER PROJECTS?Yes, a lot of new projects, but I can't speak about.
WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PHILOSOPHY?.Life is soo short, live it!
But... your freedom ends when other people's freedom begins.
Respect people, respect yourself.